What is meant by Alcohol Abuse? 

Alcohol abuse is defined as the misuse and/or excessive consumption of alcohol and substantial life changes. It's a habit of consuming large amounts of alcohol regularly. It interferes with your routine activities.

You may be suffering from alcohol abuse if you consume too much alcohol. Their drinking causes health difficulties as well as problems at home, at work, at school, and with the law. You may be unable to perform at work and in other aspects of your life as a result of it. An alcohol use disorder occurs when a person's drinking causes distress or injury. An estimated 10% of adult males and 5% of adult females suffer from an alcohol consumption disorder.         

Drinking excessively or seldom, or not being the inability to overcome alcohol consumption, can signal a larger problem. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism, often known as alcohol dependency, are two separate issues that some people can acquire. 

Even though these names are frequently interchanged, there are substantial differences between them. On occasion, alcoholics drink excessively, and their drinking habits frequently result in harmful conduct and poor judgment. However, alcohol addicts, are rarely dependent on it and alcoholism  is defined as a person's need for alcohol to carry out daily tasks

Alcoholism can lead to major health problems. Alcohol can make certain disorders worse, such as osteoporosis, depression, and other health problems. It has the potential to cause cancer in some people. Alcohol misuse also makes diagnosing other health problems more difficult, such as heart disease resulting in independence. Because of the way alcohol affects the circulatory system, this is the case.

What is a standard drink? 

In the United States, a typical drink contains 0.6 ounces (14.0 grams or 1.2 tablespoons) of pure alcohol. This quantity of pure alcohol is typically found in,

  • a 12-ounce beer (5 percent alcohol content). 

  • malt liquor (7 percent alcohol content)

  • a 5-ounce glass of wine (12 percent alcohol content). 

  • 1.5 ounces (40 percent alcohol content) 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor (e.g., gin, rum, vodka, whiskey) 

What is the definition of binge drinking? 

Binge drinking is the most common type of excessive drinking, which is defined as taking a high amount of alcohol in a short period.

  • 4 or more drinks at a single event for women/individuals under age 21 for more than four days in a month 

  • For guys, 5 or more drinks on a single occasion for more than four days in a month is considered excessive. 

Heavy drinking is harmful to your health.

What are the early signs of Alcohol abuse?

Alcohol abuse is treatable but is a serious and progressive illness. Early signs of an alcohol misuse disorder include 

  • drinking more than expected, 

  • continuing to drink despite others' concerns, and 

  • making repeated attempts to reduce or stop drinking. 

As a person's alcohol consumption worsens, he or she builds a tolerance to alcohol. To achieve the desired pleasurable feeling or to become intoxicated, he or she must consume more alcohol. 

When a person becomes addicted to alcohol and is unable to obtain a drink, withdrawal symptoms such as headache, nausea, and vomiting emerge.

What are the symptoms of alcohol abuse and addiction? 

  • Unable to perform at work or home, and feeling guilty afterward. 

  • being irritated by criticism for binge drinking. 

  • Need to drink in the morning as the first thing to get going all-day

  • Slurred speech causes reflexes to slow down. 

  • the inability to regulate own emotions 

  • risky behavior as a result of poor decision-making ability 

  • facing memory blackouts and lapses especially after waking up. 

  • High levels of alcohol in the blood can lead to respiratory difficulties, coma, and even death. 

  • Hiding drinking or alcohol consumption. 

  • Inability to concentrate 

  • Being depressed. 

  • Shaky/trembling hands.

Signs of a high alcohol concentration in the blood: Many people drink alcohol without suffering any detrimental effects. Its side effects, which include nausea, vomiting, and hangovers, can afflict anyone. Alcohol abuse can result in car accidents, falls, drowning, and suicide. While under the influence of alcohol, a drunk individual should not attempt to drive or operate heavy machinery.

Alcohol has several detrimental health impacts. Cirrhosis, a liver disease, can be brought on by it. It is a leading cause of fatalities and injuries in motor vehicle accidents. Drinking alcohol while pregnant can be harmful to your baby's health. It has the potential to develop a bleeding ulcer and irritate the stomach lining. Alcohol can also make you gain weight, make you feel sick or disoriented, give you foul breath, and promote acne breakouts.

What factors contribute to the development of alcoholism? 

What causes alcoholism is still a mystery to scientists. One or more of the following appears to be involved: 

  • Genetics. 

  • Alcoholism related childhood events 

  • An effort to alleviate emotional distress. 

  • Begin drinking alcohol at a young age or consume it regularly and in large amounts. 

  • physical or sexual abuse has been a source of distress that may lead to alcoholism

  • Have an alcohol-related family history. 

  • Psychological disorders like eating disorders, grief, and depression can also lead to drinking.

What is the procedure for determining whether or not someone is abusing alcohol? 

Many persons who drink alcohol have their problems brought to their attention by family and friends. Doctors suspect a person is misusing alcohol when they see the following: 

  • Alcohol misuse interferes with your responsibilities at work, at home, and at school. 

  • Regularly using alcohol puts you or someone else in danger (driving, operating machinery, mixing alcohol and medicine, drinking alcohol while pregnant). 

  • Consuming alcoholic beverages regularly can lead to legal issues. 

  • Your relationships will suffer if you overuse alcohol.

Some persons should not drink alcohol at all, including those who are: 

  • individuals under the age of 21. 

  • Pregnant women

  • Driving, intending to drive, or engaging in other tasks that necessitate coordination, attentiveness, and expertise. 

  • Using certain prescription or over-the-counter drugs that have the potential to interact with alcohol. 

  • Being afflicted with a medical problem. 

  • Are recovering from alcoholism or can't manage how much they drink.

Short-Term health consequences 

Excessive alcohol use has immediate consequences that increase the risk of a variety of health problems. The following are some of the most common side effects of excessive drinking: 

  • Accidents, such as car accidents, drowning, falls, and burns. 

  • Homicide, sexual assault, suicide, and intimate partner violence are all examples of violence. 

  • Alcohol poisoning, is a medical emergency caused by excessive alcohol in the blood.

  • Dangerous sexual habits, such as unprotected sex or multiple partner intercourse. Unintended pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV, can occur as a result of these actions. 

  • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) or miscarriage and stillbirth among pregnant women

Long-Term Health Consequences 

  • Excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other major issues, such as:
    High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive issues are all linked to high blood pressure. 

  • Breast, throat, mouth, esophagus, liver, voice box, colon, and rectum cancers are among the most common. 

  • Immune system deterioration, increasing the likelihood of being ill. 

  • Learning and memory issues, such as dementia, as well as low academic performance.

  • Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health issues. 

  • Social issues, such as family issues, work-related issues, and unemployment. Alcohol use disorders, sometimes known as alcoholism, are a type of addiction to alcohol. 


Alcohol abuse slowly penetrates your life and is apparently harmless, just a social ritual. Bu, steadily it becomes your daily habit, leading to several intakes of alcohol and resulting in dependence and excessive use of it. The individual gradually develops the habit of taking it several times a day. 

This habitual intake cause attentional, concentration, physical, social and emotional problems. The person may find it hard to leave the intake without proper medical treatment, drug detox, therapy, and rehabilitation center. 

Alcohol consumption progressively takes control of your life and ends up compromising your functionality in all spheres.