What is Coronavirus/Covid-19?

Amid ordinary life on December 31, 2019, WHO reported several pneumonia cases with an unknown etiology (cause) in Wuhan, China. Clinical symptoms involve fever, weakness, and dry cough. This day marks the start of a long and tragic history of lethal pandemic outbreaks caused by the covid 19 virus, also known as the coronavirus.

Initially, it was seen as pneumonia, however, the patient's condition can exacerbate including shortness of breath, chest pain, severe acute respiratory syndrome, multi-organ failure, and even death. Wave 2 has delivered more deadly effects due to significant virus alterations, resulting in a wide range of symptoms.

Importance of managing physical and mental stress during covid-19

There is a great deal of importance to managing physical and mental stress during Covid-19. In particular, it is important to avoid overstressing your body and brain. Doing so can lead to health problems, including increased risk for heart disease, stroke, depression, anxiety disorders, and other maladies. Additionally, stressing yourself out can make it difficult to think clearly or focus on the tasks at hand. By taking steps to manage your stress levels, you can ensure a successful and healthy Covid-19 experience.
The figure below displays the latest data for the last three days on 12th June 2022 by Google news. This screenshot shows the alarming number of cases reported and deaths due to covid so far.

It has been more than a year since we are fighting the pandemic. According to the BBC, the global economy has dropped by 4.4 percent in 2020, and the worldwide financial meltdown is worse than the Great Depression of 1930.

Global recession, job layoffs, declined GDP growth, hospitality sector and travel being the most in danger and above all crowded hospitals have led to disturbed mental and physical health.

Managing mental health

  1. Distance from social media/media

Although it’s true that coronavirus demands social distancing but spending too much time on social media or watching TV can breed unnecessary fear and anxiety about the pandemic. Continuous exposure to pandemic news and alarming facts may raise stress, fear, anxiety, feelings of grief, helplessness, and disappointment. So it’s better to keep some distance from such disturbing news and updates.

  1.  Take care of people around you

The pandemic has put all of us on lockdown and enforced strict travel restrictions. Meanwhile, we can take care of people around us, particularly our family members. Family serves as the best support system during any kind of crisis in one’s life. Why don’t care about each other, do good and receive good—that certainly calm our inner selves and relax us deep down in our hearts and soul.

  1. Relaxation techniques

The recent years have been a source of countless emotional and financial turmoil. Calming down stressful activities of the brain and giving your body time to ease up all the muscle tension is one effective strategy. Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, massage, and biofeedback are here to help us all.

  1. Learn something new/ start a hobby

Social distancing and frequent lockdowns seem to put life activities at a halt. That’s not true altogether, you can utilize this time wisely by opting for a healthy and constructive hobby or you can learn a new skill. You can also learn something new, any course, diploma, language, or professional training that can make your life better in the long run.

It is really important to maintain your mental health. Because chronic stress can make alarming physical changes in the body and can take shape of inflammatory disease, heart disease, gastrointestinal issues, muscle tension, and other serious problems.

Managing physical health

  1. Healthy food

Yes, eating healthily and staying healthy is the key to each and every disease. When you eat healthily and maintain your iron, sugar, and protein levels, you feel in good physical shape because your immune system is ready to fight most foreign agents (diseases) off your body. In the second case if you are caught by the deadly disease there are better chances to fight the disease till the end and compromise your physical faculties at their least.

  1. Plenty of sleep

A good night’s sleep comes second after a healthy diet and food. Studies have shown that ample sleep is essential in supporting your immune system because it is the only weapon you have when you become the victim of the lethal virus.

  1. Exercise

Staying at home and reduced social life can promote weight gain. Crowded places like gyms are a no go during a pandemic but you can do lots of other activities to keep yourself active and fit. You can go for a walk or jog outside. The Internet can provide you loads of exercise ideas at home like planks, cycling, pushups, or squats. These exercises will keep you healthy and boost your immune system too.

  1. Sanitization and frequent hand washing

‘Keep yourself clean and tidy’ moms used to say this ‘because it’s a good habit. The recent outbreak demands us the same as the old mom’s saying. This time WHO advises us to:

  • Frequent hand washing

  • Wearing a mask

  • Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

  • Sanitize yourself and surfaces with alcohol-based disinfectants.

  1. Avoid crowded places

WHO also encourages us to avoid crowded places or places with close contact. Places where people spend time nearby like clubs, parties, restaurants, offices, or gyms are at higher risk. One covid positive individual can transmit the disease to others with no trouble.

 If you feel sick

  • Avoid self-medication: This might not be a good idea. Being unaware of the exact problem, a covid positive can infect others unknowingly and put others at risk. That is why seeing a doctor, a medical exam, and prescribed medicine can save you and others.

  • Self-quarantine:  It is recommended to isolate yourself even in regular cough or flu situations. Staying home and avoiding social situations is suggested to keep you and others safe.

Timely covid testing

If you are experiencing stubborn fever episodes along with cough and/or flu, it is mandatory to have a covid test. You might be infected by a presymptomatic (show symptoms later) or asymptomatic (never show symptoms) person that is usually hard to detect but a timely test can save your health.